Thursday, May 28, 2009

36 WKS Pregnant and the Countdown begins!

Here i am. 40lbs later. Trust me, I have gained that much weight and it's not easy being pregnant! Any day now my little guy can come out and i'm so nervous/excited/anxious. Lately I have been super paranoid of any sort of pain I feel. I'm definitely experiencing ligament pain since my body isn't used to the stretching and growth.

This was me in the beginning of the pregnancy. I think i'm 7 weeks here. (hubs was in africa at the time but he's been home for a while now) i miss my stomach :(
I am really excited about my total body makeover after Keenan comes out. Oh yeah, I told my husband that I deserve a shopping spree after I lose weight, so forever 21 better be on the watch out!
I do have a few goals.. :)
1. Lose all the weight i've gained by December (if not anytime sooner)
2. Fit into my skinny jeans again, i have just been wearing shorts my whole pregnancy.
3. Get back to being a health nut!
4. Grow my hair out and keep it either jet black or it's normal color (dark brown).
5. Get rid of stretch marks on my love handles, that's where they chose to grow.
6. Hope that gets a better ranking on alexa!


  1. Oh how cute! You look beautiful. It's a lot fun I do miss it at times :D. xoxo

  2. OMG you are such a hot mama!

  3. Oh my, how exciting! You look great!

  4. O.o wow you look awesome for being 9 months pregnant.. if it makes you feel better my mom gained 55 lbs when she was carrying me haha.

    good luck on the whole birthing experience!! try not to be nervous and BREATHHEEE!! =D

  5. You look sooo pretty :) Can't wait til Keenan enters our world !

  6. awww... you look good pregnant! youre so blessed.. married & a mom.. im still dating =( haha. your belly looks like mine now when u were beginning pregnancy lol. good luck on the rest of the pregnancy and ur goals rite after! they seem pretty rational & achievable lol <3

  7. you are still looking hot, mommy!

  8. Girl~ u look beautiful and with the glow. =)
    You're gonna be one hot mama.

  9. you're so thin even at 7 wks preggy! HAHA.

    you look so glam in that black dress :D

  10. you are gorgeous such a cute belly, your going to be one hot mama! Man I need to follow your list of to-do's.. it's so easy to get distracted!

  11. gosh! you remind me of myself during my last weeks of being pregnant... except i was HUGE!! you look great though!

  12. wow, good luck with everything! I'm sure you'll be able to achieve those goals if you're determined enough :)

  13. Hi sexy mama~ you are ready to pop! looking super good! I would be so nervous if I knew its gonna be anyday now >_<

    I cant wait to se baby photos~

  14. oh wow you brave brave brave girl! honestly i dont think i can go thru giving birth :(

    you look stunning <3

    AND OMG a son!

  15. Omg, I still can't belive how absolutely beautiful you look pregnant! I was just telling one of my friends yesterday actually about how great you look .

  16. you still look pretty hot mama! love the black dress!

  17. wow, nice abs... now i gotta go work out after seeing your abs, lol.....

  18. you're a very pretty mommy. :) hope you could drop by my blog. :)

  19. Wooow! You are a very Yummy Mummy!! :D

  20. I'm not pregnant and Ive never been pregnant but I'm the one who gets nervous for women who are pregnant. I'm just weird like that.

    On the other hand, you look so beautiful and even if you gained some pounds you still look good.

  21. hi im a new follower, i just wanted to say congrats! and you are the prettiest pregnant mama i have ever seen!(^-^) i was a hot mess when i was preggers, and my work uniform was yellow, so i always looked like a school bus, LMAO!!!
    i was just noticing your goals for after birth-about you wanting to grow your hair out- i dont know if this happens to all women after giving birth-but my full and beautiful hair i acquired during pregnancy changed dramatically! it pretty much started falling out for about 6 months before returning to normal again-and when i asked my doctor about it, she said that it happens to some women-but i was FREAKED out because no one tells you these things! anyways i just wanted to share, CONGRATS again!(^-^)

  22. Sexy mama! haha~ I suggest staying in bed until MONTHS after having the baby. I think a short/abrupt recovery period followed by going back to work really speeds up the aging process - that's what my mother said anyway. Make sure to pamper yourself! hahaha
