Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not just "any" cupcake!

German chocolate super moist cupcake with whipped milk chocolate frosting and decorative snowflakes...

...with NUTELLA filling!!!!!!
lol. most of the lovely ladies said they love to eat nutella with their crepes/waffles/pancakes..but Lulu mentioned something about dropping some nutella inside the middle of the cupcakes and having it taste like hot lava cake! OOOH yes it does, even better. thanks again ladies!
i can assure you that these cupcakes will be done soon. i've had a few of them already, i'm indulging as much as i can before i give birth because i'm so going back to my health nut ways afterwards. i had my cervix checked this morning and they said that i am 3cm dilate on the outside but they couldn't reach it any further. i am so anxious/nervous. we'll see what will happen. bye for now! <3


  1. OMG that muffin looks delish darling *droooool*..and yes that revlon foundation is WAYYY to thick, but it sure does the job if only my skin is not that

  2. omg, that looks so damn gooooood!!!
    and whoa baby! ur redy to pop huh!? good luck with everything!!!

  3. yay good luck with everything!! I hope every goes well. mMmm, the cupcake looks so damn good... omg, I want some!!

  4. yum!!! you made my mouth water.. :P

  5. OMG with nutella inside?! BOMBB!

  6. yey, you're gonna be a mommy soon! :D I just finished reading Shopaholic & Baby and i think it's a good read haha.

    omg nutella.

  7. whhhhaaaaatttt?? you just made the best cupcake ever lol. I can almost taste it while reading your description :)

  8. yuuuum share the love!!! I made these awesome cupcakes where I put frosting on the inside! it was so yummmyy

  9. yay you tried it! it's good huh? :) your cupcakes look yum, send some my way please :)

    yay almost baby time!!! We'll all be anxiously waiting :) Good luuuuuuck with everything!!!

  10. MMMM ... I'm craving for Nutella now ... it's so bad, since I eat it on bread/english muffin/ or bagel every morning :(

  11. oooh that looks delicious! did you just drop some nutella in and that's it? it didn't cook or anything? i think i want to try it haha

  12. omg, ur about to give birth! yayy excited to see your little bundle of joyy! =] omg, that freakin cupcake looks yummy, especially wen u mentioned it had NUTELLA on the inside!!! thanks for that idea! haha ima try that tonight ;]

  13. haha yes, that makes sense. i think i will give it a try next time i make cupcakes!

  14. mmm yum! i LOVE nutella! thats a really good idea! :)

  15. YUMMMMMMMM omg I need to try this ASAP!! What a great idea. And I love sprinkles!! hehe.

  16. OMG! now I want some cuppy cakes!
    Looks YUMMY!

  17. Look delicious :) I like your blog very much, lovely outfit! :)

  18. That looks like a piece of heaven!
