Friday, June 19, 2009

The Wonder Hanger

You've most likely seen this on the As Seen On Tv ads. ..and it's wonderful!
I bought this from an As Seen On Tv store in my mall for $12. It comes with a pack of 8 which you might find it as a good amount. Plus this is prob. the only a.s.o.t. product that has worked ever! haha

Just some of my dresses on the wonder hangers.
This is great if you share a closet or have just a butt-load of clothes!
What do I love about this? It definitely makes my closet look more clean instead of a bunch of squished outfits. You can also take one of the ends of the wonder hanger and hang it down to give yourself more space in your closet. I didn't do that because I have plastic drawers underneath my hanging clothes. I did hang down the clothes that I don't wear as much and put them off to the side. My husband walks into the closet and says, "did you do laundry or something?" lol silly it's the wonder hanger!


  1. haha, your hubby is funny. This product looks interesting :)

  2. Hiya :) Just discovered your cute blog! Have been wondering about this hanger thing. I love me my Huggable Hangers but this may be a great addition too!

  3. ooo new background! what a cool hanger :D

  4. ive seen that on tv and i want oneeee!

  5. I think I need the wonderhanger. My closet is a mess :(

  6. hahaha.. your husband. actually i liked your reply better.

  7. lol those look like something my mom has from long time ago! If only I had a walk in closet =p

  8. Haha. That's funny of what you said to your hubby. I should probably go get myself some of those. I have no room for my clothes!! I had to hang some in the hallway closet. At first I considered putting my hubbys clothes in that closet, but I felt bad since I have more clothes. Haha.
