Saturday, August 15, 2009

Health and Thank YOUS!

me last much i miss it and regret saying i was fat during this time! *determined*
question: how many of you take vitamins and if so, what kind? right now i'm taking omega 3, grape seed extract, cinammon, and green tea. sounds like a lot but they all benefit me in a good way long term. i take them once a day though, not with every meal.
thanks for the feedback with my rant. i know it's a big change and i'm just adjusting to everything. it's just good to know that i'm not the only one who feels this way. i do love my husband to death, i just don't like feeling irritable towards him. he has been helping me a lot lately. it's probably because i feel alone and i don't have any friends down here that i can hang out with either. but things will get better and he tells me that too.


  1. You look gorgeous.
    Hope you are well xx

  2. You look fab in this picture!

    I got your love pack on Friday (and will post pics soon!) Thanx so much, girl. Love everything!

    It is hard, being stationed with your husband somewhere away from your family - it's hard to meet new people and make new friends (esp. with a new baby) and there are these military wife "rules" that you're supposed to know. Ugh! I feel your pain, sweetie.

    I haven't been taking vitamins (which I should), but I've been drinking protein shakes every morning, eating brown rice, and drinking tons of water. The omega 3's are a great supplement -I should probably look into that too.

  3. You look stunning in this picture!

    I SHOULD be taking pills, I have the one with all the vitamins wrapped up in one pill... one a day! That one! And I should be taking fish oil, but I dont. I always forget or I'm too lazy. The only vitamins I seem to remember taking is my Finding Nemo gummie ones... but the boyfriend says I cant take it any more cause it lacks iron and I have really low iron. Darn.

  4. woohoo! u look stunning in that pic! well i hope you feel better!

  5. you look so gorgeous!!! augh.. i hate getting fat :( inspiration to work out!!!

    i love your blog hun! and you're so pretty!

  6. wow, you look great!

    and, i hope things get better soon. it's hard to not have any girlfriends to hang out and talk about girly things with. but, i'm sure it'll get better! <3

  7. wow you look really good! I gained 20 pounds since 3 years ago and I used to think i was fat, but when I look at older photos I realize wth was I thinking??!

  8. You look gorgeous in the picture. I'm sure you can loose your pregnancy weights soon. This most important thing is good health.

  9. Hey sweets,

    the protein powder I'm using right now is Designer Whey (it has the winner of The Biggest Loser challenge on it) lol! I got it at the commisary. It's 50 calories per scoop. I've been having a protein shake for breakfast, and it fills me up until lunch time.
    I want to try other ones, but I don't want to commit to a huge canister and pay $40! I'll probably try another one once I finish this canister.

  10. Y'know one way to lose weight is by feeling good about your self and setting a self goal of how much you want to lose, rather than thinking about how much you had gain.
    always start baby steps, your body needs to adjust to the many changes that have happened, and gradually work its way back to your healthy body before.
    thinking too much about what happened rather than focusing on what can you do about it now, will help motivate you to add 5 more mins into your routine of exercising. One motivation is to get a cute sweat outfit, sportsbra, tennies.
    another is Music! put some 'Feel good' music into your ipod/mp3
    there are many motivation, but one that I found effectivly was to look at dieting as a fun hobbie rather than a chore.
