Saturday, August 1, 2009

It's been a while..

..since i've "dolled" up. i really don't do so much anymore for now because i still need to lose the weight so i'm not investing in any cute clothes for now, and plus keenan pulls on my extensions. great. i got the headband from claires and i'm wearing "narcisuss" on my lips by NYX. my blush really isn't that dark, it's the contrast in the photo that makes it look dark.

The hubs let me do just a lil' shopping and i managed to pick up the mineralize skinfinish from CCO! woot woot..i got a pretty good deal on it too. I love model 21 lashes, just got some in. ..will show pictures of me wearing them later. take care ladies!


  1. your hair looks so beautiful and your contacts are so vibrant!!

  2. Hey sweetie!

    glad the hubbie let u grab some things....I know, it took me a while to want to shop, becuz I was completely bummed about the weight gain. So I stick mostly to buying dresses and tops. lol

    u look fab! Ain't it amazing, how putting on some makeup makes u feel?!

    I'm personally gonna have to buy a bigger train case soon. lol

  3. u look great!
    those lashes look cute! is their quality good?! i wanna try them lol

  4. wow! You look like a doll! very pretty! :)

  5. Cute headband! And you look great =).

  6. Pretty look :)

    Yay you picked up a MSF duo :) My FAV!

  7. Those lashes look amazing! And your eyes look vibrant ^_~ I love the look <3

  8. aww your little booger is so adorable. they get naughty as they grow. =( my daughter is going to turn 8months in a few days and she is already scratching peoples face when she doesnt want to be held and biting my arm. She's all over the place, so enjoy them when they only eat and sleep. You'll be running all over the place. lol anywho those lashes look intense. where did you get them? if you dont mind me asking. (cco?)

  9. you look so pretty here. i love your lip color too.

  10. You look gorgeous! Both your hair and makeup look fab. I love the color of those contacts.

  11. You look so nice~! <3 Pretty as always, haha, you probably get tired of me telling you that XD But you just look so perfect in all your pictures.

  12. aw i don't think you should worry at all. You know what they say about naughty babies.... =) they're the smartiest out of the group.

    Thats not bad for 10lashes. i might look into it after i call paypal to retrive my account i made years ago. lol

    and yes, i do sell pre-order prescription and non precription. =) Do take advantage of the $18promo i have going on til the 15th.

  13. Hi Leslie! You're lookin' great! Nice haul btw - you deserve it. How come I never find anything at my CCO??! Never seen MSF's ever. ;(

    PS: Whoa, do you speak the Hmong language? I just read on your profile thingy haha. That'd so cool if you did...

  14. you look so pretty! i love your hair too! & omg i havent even been buying any clothes cuz i wanna lose some weight first! lol

  15. wow, your contacts are awesome!
    you look like an asian barbie :)

  16. You look freaking hot! The lippie looks so cute on you, such a hot mama lol
