Friday, August 21, 2009

Lo Mein and Health plan

My lo mein or what some other states call chow mein. I've lived north, south, west, and east of the united states and I know that the west side calls this chow mein. But everywhere else calls this lo mein, whatever it is, i'm always sure to tell them that i want the stuff with the noodles! lol
Ingredients: omega angel pasta by barilla (healthy stuff but still tastes great!)
zuchinni, carrots, green onions, cabbage
chicken & garlic
soy sauce, hoisin, oyster, salt
olive oil
I cook my chicken first and let it brown with the garlic. Then I set it aside in a seperate bowl. I love to put a lot of cabbage and vegetables in my lo mein, it gives it a better texture! I usually use half a cabbage head. I put a little bit of olive oil and heat it up, then throw in the cabbage, get that going, then throw in the rest of the veggies. I don't let them cook too long because the it'll be all soggy and the nice textures will go away. After they look like they are starting to compress a bit, I throw in the chicken, and then the noodles. Afterwards the soy sauce, hoisin, oyster, and salt go in. I try not to add too much oil and salt to the foods I cook because it's bad for your body and heart! You can still make great tasting food without using a load of oil and fattening ingredients.
taken last year before I chopped off all my hair! i miss my d300 :(
My weight loss is coming around! I'm losing about 1-2 pounds a week, could be more but I stay at home and watch the little man and I usually have to wait for the hubs to be around if I want to workout.
The first thing in the morning I get up and wash all of keenan's bottles. Seriously, I might have a problem there, but I just can't let them sit around. It will bug the shit out of me! Okay but after that I eat a bowl of Fiber one cereal. I seriously love it, it tastes fine (could be better) but it definitely helps me "go" and helps that metabolism. It's important to eat breakfast every single morning of your life. Even if you're on the go, grab an apple or a slice of toast, anything to fill you up that way you do not eat a whole pig when lunch comes around. (just don't eat a fattening breakfast!)
For lunch I usually eat a baked potato with a chicken breast (baked also). Chicken breast is packed with protein and is very lean and low calorie. It doesn't get tiring for me to eat it because I know it's benefiting my body and I season it well! I use the grill mates by mcgrill or whatever that brand is called with the black bottle caps.
In another 2 hours I will have an apple or something light to snack on. My snacks very from apples, honey wheat pretzel sticks, fiber one granola bar, anything under 150 calories is usually what I try to stick to.
For dinner, i'll eat soup or something along that with a light sandwich. I avoid eating big meals at night because we all know it'll turn into fat.
I hope i'm not being bias when i say that asian people love rice because I am asian myself and I do love rice! But i've learned to give it up because it turns into sugar, then into fat. A small portion would be fine, but I tell my family they should eat large amounts of it. I eat uncle bens or parboiled rice once in a while and it has helped me lose weight.
Anything low calorie and healthy will do though. I portion out my meals and yes I have a food scale at home. I did this weight loss plan last year and lost 30lbs. No diet pills or anything "quick". Afterwards my body got used to the diet and it stayed that way.


  1. yummy lo mein!!! =D hehehe. I want some now. cutie pic from last year and I'm glad you're losing weight and eating healthy =]

  2. I agree about the rice LOL, I live off a 50 lb bag of rice, it usually last me a year, my bf loves eating rice, but then we usually switch up from asian food to american. the scale is also a great way to portion out your food, I usually do the 'no larger portion than my fist' measuring lol

  3. Gosh, you're really going all out on your diet. I love how motivated you are. Maybe you can become my inspiration & help me stay motivated too. lol

  4. I totally admire your dedication. I always lose dedication half way in. The Lo Mein looks soooo yummy! Good luck, girly. I'm sure you can do it :D

  5. Hey girl,
    wow you are amazing at dieting, & puts me to shame! I can see how u dropped that 30 lbs, your determination is awesome!

    My diet is going ok, I do my protein shake in the morning before I work out, still eating the brown rice, and portioning out my meals ( I eat on a sald plate - really helps me with portion size!!) I got my sis to work out w/ me at the gym, and I think she's gonna sign up there, so I'll have a workout partner. :) I'm trying different cardio classes, as well as working w/ the trainer, so I don't get bored.

    I took Cal out today, with my sis, to go shopping, and so many people were commenting on how "big" he is. lol What can I say, my hubs and his people are not petite and dainty.

    I don't know why these past 2 wks have been so hectic - w/ the baby, work out schedule, dr's appointments, and family stuff, I feel like my schedule has been full! *Sigh I know, I should post an update on some stuff soon, huh?

    Congrats to your hubby for the promotion! That's great!! :)
    Lotsa luv to your little fam. xoxo

  6. I wish I had your discipline!

    But then, I don't really want to LOSE weight... I just kind of want to re-locate that I have now to different parts of my body :P

    Keep up the great work!
