Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Flower Girl

I tried to do the whole Geisha thing but it didn't work. My face isn't round so the contouring and everything just looked weird.

Face - everyday minerals in Winged Butter intensive
Living Doll blush from Hard Candy
Elf contour bronzer on nose bridge
Lips-Revlon's Fusia moon drop lipstick
Eyebrows-Wet n' Wild kohl brow/liner pencil in dark brown
Eyes-urban decay's book of shadows -scandal and absinthe
Model 21 Lashes

I wonder...

..what my two boys are up to! Keenan looks cross eyed in here lol. Mommy made him smile for the picture. He looovees mommy.


  1. Pretty look! And aww at baby smiles!

  2. what a gorgeous look! =D hmmmz... I would say Flower Woman, not Flower Girl! lol.

    That's a cute smile from your little man! Your hubbie should of smiled too!

  3. wow love the make up! awww I love his smile its so cute!!!

  4. Oh lovely! I love the colors :)

  5. are you kidding? you did awesome with the make up! your son's smile is priceless. when they're that young, just getting them to crack a smile is rewarding.

  6. Oh hun, you look beautiful as always <3

    & I love how you're always sharing pictures of your family. Your two boys and you make up the cutest family ever! :)

  7. Waaaaaaaaaaaaah, baby smiles are the absolute best! Keenan is such a cutie pie, girl!

  8. i love the lippie color! goes with the flower!

  9. Love the make up! Your photos are great and your son is adorable!!!

  10. Beautiful! =D

    What color contacts are you wearing here, by the way?

  11. Beautiful look... love how your pink lips totally pop out!

  12. hurry up and come visit me. lol. give me a makeover les! i miss shopping with you. danny just says yes at everything. lol. :P missssssss you leslie! love your makeup!! are you guys taking keenan out for halloween? :P omg i found the cutest thing to get you guys for keenan's first christmas! lol.

  13. You look gorgeous as a Geisha. And your skin looks absolutely flawless.

    Keenan is so cute! I love it when babies smile! ^.^
