Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Imperfections make me who I am.

I've always believed that you can't love anyone until you can really learn to love yourself. The qualities about me that I love are:
1. I am nice. I approach things in a peaceful way and avoid drama. I do not like to be loud or rude, and I most of the time keep my mouth shut even if I have dirty things to say.
2. I can be friends with just about anyone.
3. I love that when I love someone, I will do almost anything for them..aka the hubs.
4. I always make sure to keep in mind my main goal/target.
5. I respect everyone even if I do not like them.

My Imperfections that I have learned to accept:
acne scars (until there is a cream that actually works!), uneven skin tone, huge craters in my pores (well one here and there), my small upper lip that will never be plump, my eyelids that can't decide whether they want to be monolids or double lids, all the beauty marks on my face ( i have probably over 6 of them), my saggy boobs (it happens from breastfeeding!), my thick thighs that i can never seem to be rid of, the stretch marks on my belly from having keenan, and discolorations on certain areas of my body.
I've learned to live with them and there are things that can cover them up, or fix it for a bit, but most of the time they will always be there. The best part about it is that when my husband saw all of it, he still thought I was beautiful. Without the crazy makeup or hair, the best friend and wife he saw in me shined through it all. He's made me learn how to feel beautiful without any of it.


  1. Stumbled upon your page, great btw. I would agree, love yourself before loving others; something I have been trying to do for a long time....

  2. i know what you mean! and im glad my bf loves me no matter what.

  3. i agree as well. To truly love life, or to truly love someone you have to love yourself first. That is something i've learned to realize. embracing your flaws makes yourself a more beautiful person. =)

  4. Woahhh that was so touchy, the way you wrote how imperfections make up who you are. I really agree with you! Sometimes I just feel and wonder why I am like this. But you just reminded me that's why we are who we are :D Thank you so much for posting this! <333333

  5. Well written :)

    Love the new pictures :)

  6. Great post! I'm sure all of us bloggers sees the beauty in you too!! Everyone has imperfections, no one's perfect and we must all learn to accept them =]

    Please visit my blog at

  7. definitely, got to love and accept yourself. my husband makes me feel so beautiful too.

  8. aww, well written and I'm glad you love yourself! =] I think all girls should see things your way too, no body is perfect and therefore should love what makes them imperfect.... make them unique? hehe. I'm glad your hubbie still think you're beautiful even after all that (well, he better!!!).

  9. this is beautiful. thanks for sharing. it reminds me how i must appreciate myself and my bf who has been so supportive of me.<3

  10. The best part about it is that when my husband saw all of it, he still thought I was beautiful.

    :) Cause you are! I hope everything's going well!

  11. you are a beautiful lady! everyone has flaws not just you and its true you gotta love yourself first to love another :)
    I love your banner its so sweet and LOVe just flows from it!! p.s you do not look like you just had a baby!! looks fab!

  12. Cute makeup!
    Acne scars sucks. :(

  13. flaws or no flaws! that's you, and I think you look great girl!

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Just stumbled across your page - your son is a cutie!

  15. You sound like such a sweet girl!

    I still haven't accepted that my eyelids are going to stay monolids forever though. =S

  16. that was written... not to mention, this post makes me want to be your bestfriend and this is my first time visiting your site. hehehe your beauty within always reflects your exterior beauty. you're gorgeous.

    keep bloggin'!

  17. that was beautifully written <3

    you are gorgeous!
    inside and out :)
