Thursday, October 22, 2009

Perdido Keys Wedding pictures

These are a few pictures that I took from the wedding I went to in Perdido Keys here in Florida with my friend Summer who was their photographer. She rescued me from going insane and took me out for some awesome mexican food and strawberry margaritas!
The cake was my favorite thing about the wedding. The peachy color of the flowers were so splendid.
I love lanterns and they had a few hanging up in their tent.

I was being nosy and we found the garter before the bride put them on and took pictures of them.

Again..taking pictures of details, I thought this dragonfly was fake and a part of the design but I saw it twitch a little and told Summer to take a look at it! It was huge! scary too haha.

They rented a nice beach house and the wedding was in the backyard of it. Too bad it was so cold.


  1. such a beautiful photography! great job it has great feel to it <3

  2. Wow such amazing pictures! This just makes me want to buy a digital SLR even more! Hopefully I can get it this year! *fingers crossed* hehe :D xxx

  3. amazing! i love em`...

    btw, we were previously stationed out that way @ eglin afb..
    now were @ misawa japan =)

  4. The weeding looks really great, your photography skills are AMAZING! ^__^ GOSH, now more than ever, I want that camera! LOL

    Too bad it's just so gosh darn expensive :(

  5. Yes my charms! That's actually one of the main reasons why I want to get a better camera. So that I can take pictures of the things I make :)

  6. yah we loved it there, well i lie we did until we were there for so long lol.. hubby was stationed there for almost 8 years, it was his first duty station and his tech school was in PCOLA lol.. i was there for about 4 years. i loved it especially having wally world and target right there.. =)

    japan is great, well itd be better if were in the tokyo area. were up in northern japan so its more of the farmland and what not... lol..

    how are you guys liking it there? how long you been there? sorry so many questions. oh and hows the mommy life? i have 3 year old of my own and trust me girl BOYS they never stop driving you crazy lol

  7. oooh, sooo pretty. 2 bad you're in FL girl. I wanna plan a small reception for me & the hub next yr (go figure, we never had the reception, just the Justice of the Peace deal)...3 yrs later! lol
    I'd totally book u for the photos. You got skillz. :D

  8. The photos are soo beautiful girl. They really are. Youre making me want to good camera lol

  9. sooo pretty. i LOVE how you photography detail.

  10. My oh my, what great photography there!! So professional looking ^^

  11. So professional! One of my friend is going to have her wedding by the beach =D

  12. beautiful pictures! i love the angles you take your pictures :)

    &precious baby!

  13. i don't want to sound like this but YOU SHOULD COME HERE! i miss you as well! leslie if you do come here, i need you to teach me how to do eyebrows. lol, my eyebrows aren't twins and they aren't sisters either. lol, more like a unibrow gone bad. hahaha. :P

    and i think it will be such a stress reliever for you to be around your mom. it'll be nice. plus we all get to see keenan!

    anyways i'll be quitting my job soon and getting ready to go back to school. just need to get my financial status stable.

    i hope you are doing well! lol, i love it how we have different websites to communicate on! :P
