me and my little lazy booger. i'm wearing the cheeky bronze MSF and eccentricity eyeshadow quad in this picture. my revlon colorstay does have major flashback which makes my face look white in pictures, but i'm wearing early tan in the colorstay which is pretty dark, like my skin color (look at my arms). ..so it looks like i put on way too much of the cheeky bronze but i can promise you i didn't overdo it.
he's both mama and daddy's boy.
things have been pretty crazy around here but i have been reading everyone's blogs (usually in the mornings when i'm pumping..my breastmilk lol). ..let me tell you that breastfeeding is lots of work! but i'm doing partial breastmilk and partial formula. the little guy seems to be doing okay with both.
keenan, he doesn't cry much only when he's hungry or very gassy. he smiles in his sleep and well sleeps a lot still. haha.. my nights have been ...awful but i love taking care of him. my recovery from the c-section is coming along pretty well and from the 50lbs i've gained i've lost 20 of it already and i'm starting to workout again. ..taking it easy until the doctor a-ok's me. all the cravings have gone away and everything seems to be coming back.
i can say it almost feels as if i were never pregnant. possibly because he is out of me and my attention is focused on him. the husband has been doing a great job with helping me also. in october, hopefully i lost all the baby fat, i get a huge ass shopping spree! haha because he splurged on a ps3 and new xbox plus all these other accessories, it's only fair for me.
so much has been going on, i don't know where to begin. we might end up moving also because the hubs got accepted to retrain into another career field in the air force. we're excited but we don't know where this is taking us and we don't know how long it'll be before we settle down. ..all we know is that keenan is giving us better luck!
Hi sweetie~
You and the baby both look beautiful. I luv that cheek bronzer. It looks so pretty. I might need to get one myself. hehe. I hope all is well. =)
you and your baby look very healthy =] and your baby is a cutieeeeeee!!!
Cheeky bronze looks so beautiful on you and your baby is so so cute!
Your baby is super cute! :) By the way, I started following you recently!
Hey girl,
you both look awesome! That's such a cute baby outfit. :D
Hell yeah breastfeeding is lots of work, but good for you that you're doing it. It's so good for your little one (and it's supposed to help you lose weight faster too - apparently breastfeeding burns lots of calories).
Keep up the good work, mama! The little man is beautiful.
Hi!!!Ur baby is so cute...and u look so pretty!!
You and Keenan look so cute I'm glad you're taking it slow to lose the baby weight. I like the bronzer on your cheeks :)
Congrats, your baby boy looks so cute and healthy! I was actually looking through my blogs the other day and thinking about you and how your baby is right now. I'm so glad everything turned out fine, what a freaking accomplishment to lose 20 lbs in such a short amount of time. Good luck with everything and I hope you'll keep updating us with keenan and your personal life :)
omgosh i reaaaaally want the cheeky bronze msf but its sold out! :( ur baby boy is super cute btw! <3 u must be a very proud mommy!
hi Hun~
aww he's so adorable!! <3 he smile in his dream awww!! X3
that is good your are enjoying motherhood ^0^ you look so wonderful~ <3
I'm good. you? and your baby is sooo cuteeeee with that outfit! lol. loving his shoes!
Hey sweetie,
I totally feel you! I don't know why some women were telling me how great it was just to get a c-section. The recovery is a total bitch, and it's 3 months later and it's still kinda sore sometimes.
I have mad respect for women who get the breastfeeding thing down - I just didn't have much luck with it, but God knows I tried. It says volumes that you're willing to try - because it is such a major commitment, I think.
aww... congrats! how's the new baby treating you? you two are too cute together! you make me miss having a baby around. :P
Thanks for the little update hun :)
I can't believe that you're working out already! You're wasting no time at all!! wow. Good luck with losing your baby weight, I'm sure you'll do just fine. I'm shocked that you lost 20lbs already~!
I love the picture of Keenan <3
Haha~ what WAS I saying about labor again? lol.. CUTE KEENAN~ GOOCHIE GOO! xD It's nice to see you're doing well! Hopefully Keenan will be a good boy and not be a cry-er~ My BF was a huge cry-baby as a kid haha~
Oh yea! haha~ ;P
I was just thinking it'd be cool if Keenan was a girl, so you can dress him up, but then again, my mom didn't care and dressed up my little brother in skirts when he was a baby LOL... that phase didn't last long...
I'm glad you are recovering well! your little baby boy looks super adorable! I'm so excited for you b/c you have all these awesome opportunities and you're probably the best mom to the baby boy!
the mac stuff you got looks sooo good.. makes me want it lol
congrat, your baby boy is so cute. I luv the bronzer on you;)
you look great! and keenan is a bundle of cuteness :) haha
OMG! you had yure baby!!! He's so cute! And you look as great as you ever did! Sorry I haven't been on here for a while, so I'm catching up right now! Take care!
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