I found this sitting in the guest bathroom drawer the other day. I totally forgot I had it and threw it on the lips immediately.
That's me wearing it. This is the usual look I wear everyday, even though I stay at home with Keenan all day, I still get some makeup on my face because it makes me more productive thoughout the day and not lazy. I wear mineral makeup when i'm home because i'm not out in the humid sweating it out. Still lovin' the new camera.

My lil man and me. I really really really love him. As much as a buttmunch he can be, I fall in love all over again with him by the littlest things he does. He still knocks out when I put him to sleep on my chest. He drools so much it's nasty! But when he sees me and smiles, my frown turns upside down. I am glad he knows who his mama is!
--Lately i've just been sick of things! My husband goes to school early in the morning and comes home late at night, sleeps on the couch, and barely spends time with Keenan. He will be graduating his ALS school this Thursday and I can't wait. I am just sick of feeling like i'm doing this on my own and honestly I feel like there's no point of him coming home at all if he's not going to be around us. It's probably my anger speaking right now but I am just sick of it!
Pretty lipgloss and nice picture quality. What camera is that?
At least hes graduating soon! I'm sure he hates not being able to spend time with you two also =]
I love the color! Man, I am home all day too and i look no way as good as you!!! I think Things will get better after he graduates and is around more, school is always and added stress.
Yeahhh girl,
doin' it on your own just plain sux. Yet another reason why I want Tom to get out of the Army. The job will always be Number 1.........but that's just me. lol (Do I sound bitter?)
You look gr8t, and it's such a good idea to make yourself presentable even when you're staying home. I find that I put on makeup just to make short trips to the grocery store, just because I feel uplifted and little more like a human being when I bother to make myself look more presentable.
And I agree, at times the little guy drives me absolutely up the wall, but one smile from him and I'm wrapped around his lil finger. lol
It's your anger babe, hope everything turns out for the better! I'm sure he's just stressed with his school work, it can be very tiring with the whole school thing sometimes. And, you seriously look like a freaking model modeling your baby in the first pic, LOVE IT!
Your make-up is really pretty! Definitely on-point!
Haha, your son is too adorable for words. Is your husband Korean? Your baby looks like he's got a little of Korean in him. :)
Looks like a modeling picture =] hehe. The picture has really good quality!!! and awww.... it's okay sweetheart! School can be very stressful at times. Just give him a break for now. Once he graduate, he'll get back and help out a lot! For now, just hang in there. At least your little man is keeping up hope for you, right? =]
I'm glad it'll be over soon! =] Feel better. It's just for the time-being.
hmmmz. You should try the NYX jumbo pencil! I like it =] It's really easy to apply actually. It's my first time trying it too! lol. I'm just glad I finally got my hands on them. hehe.
Nice lip gloss colour! & Your baby is so chubby! xDD
Love the camera quality btw!! And I love the last pic of you and Keenan. Your mouths look quite similar! hehe
You look good with the lipgloss...
but yeah...hang in there...you'll make it through...Be patient a little longer and in the long run, it'll pay off. Just be positive for your boy and everything will turn out fine...btw, he is such a cutie...
I"m good, sweetie. Trying to bump up my cardio, and keep on keepin' on with the eating right (most of the time) lol
Cal just turned 6 months, and he's getting to be so fidgety and active, I have to watch him like a hawk now. He's also babbling a lot, and developing such a funny lil personality.
How've you been feeling? Mommyhood being good to u so far?
RYC: Ah! I've been wanting a Canon Rebel foreverrrrr. One day lol!
I asked him to leave me messages! But we ran out of time, so he didnt get to. He wrote me a letter before he left though and I read that every night before I go to bed. I have a few of his voice mails saved from like... years ago but I'm too lazy to go through the whole list lol.
Thank you for your comment, you're so sweet =] how long as yours been in the AF?
Baby Keenan is so precious. Is he getting heavy for you to carry? I can BARELY hold up Riley. She a fatty.
Love the color on your lips!! Looking pretty as usual.
you look great :) the color looks really good on you. i look like such a slob sometimes when i stay home, haha.
and keenan is suchhhhhhh a cutie pie! his cheeks are so squishy and chubby, haha.
and stay strong! things will get better soon :)
aw your baby is soooo adorable! he does look like a little man :)
I've recently stumbled upon your blog and I love the posts and think you are absolutely beautiful!
your baby is so cute! mama hood really suit you! <3
I love how you did your makeup. The neutral eyeshadow looks great & you are absolutely flawless. Work the camera Miss Thing! ;D
And I'm sorry that things are seeming so stressful right now. It really sounds like how my mom was with me when I was born. My dad ALWAYS had to work and she said that it seemed as if she was a single parent becaus he was never around to help. Just keep reminding yourself that it's not going to be like this forever. It's just tempory hun. You have every right to be upset and angry, but just don't forget, it's all tempory <3
aww i randomly stumbled onto your page. your baby is adorable!! esp with that expression in the last photo hehe. you are very pretty =] it's so easy to just be lazy when you're at home and not going out but you look great!
what's the colour of the gloss? it look so good!
let all your frustration out hun, we're here for you!
les...you should start doing live tutorials. you know me, i take awhile to catch on. lol. :P
i love your makeup here!!!!!
p.s. i love keenan too. :P
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