Sunday, June 7, 2009

Current "Nails" Look and Revlon Colorstay review

Went to the BX today and grabbed these two. I guess i've got PURPLE fever! :P
(Vicks in the background because my nose has been stuffy lately)
My attempt for gradient nails.

I really could have done a better job but I am impatient when it comes to nails!
Lately I have been super lazy to put on makeup because I am huge and ready for my baby to come out! I've been trying to do as much walking as I can so he can drop and make his way into this world, but I know that he will come out when he wants to. The doctors are going to talk about inducing me next week if things are moving too slow. Maybe baby wants to come out on daddy's birthday which is on the 15th!
Revlon Colorstay for oily/combo skin review!
i'm reviewing this because i did have a few girls ask me about this and i personally think this is a great product for the summer!
Pros: can withstand heat
long wearing
it really does stay on for hours!
great coverage
Cons: hard to take remove
smell can be annoying
bottle does not come with a pump
My experience: I use this whenever I know i'm going out for a long time. I live in sunny florida and the weather here in the summer time can seriously melt all of my makeup off lol. BUT with this foundation, I have found it to stay even after jogging in the humid! I mean I was sweating like crazy, and after I got into the car I checked the mirror and was like WHAT? IT'S STILL ON MY FACE! I even patted my nose and nothing came off. I tell my friends that this stuff is sorta like paint lol.
I suggest: to always wear a primer when wearing this. This stuff is oil-free but it is hard to remove. I'll most likely break out if I do not wear a primer when wearing this. Also, I use a stippling brush when applying this. It makes it look airbrushed and makes me feel like i'm not pounding on a ton of liquid paint onto my face! The best stuff I have found to remove this off my face is Philosphy's Purity cleanser. You can prob. use other makeup removers, but I use the purity cleanser specifically to remove this off my face.
P.S. THANK YOU ALL WHO COMMENTED ME ABOUT MY WEBSITE! it's so sweet to have such lovely supporters out there. love ya!


  1. thank you for the review! wow, like paint, huh? thanks for the primer tip.

    you're so funny, trying to walk as much as you can so the baby would come out already!

  2. love the purple polishes! and thanks for the comment girl! id like to think that my bracelet is "twilight" inspired.. woo!! haha

  3. i suck at doing gradient nails. im also impatient. im starting to get annoyed of my konad.

    anyways, i like the foundation. but i cant find the right shade for me :P thanks for the review! <3

  4. pretty nail colors!! the shimmer looks like grapes.. :D nice review.. i wish i could find the right shade for me too.. :C

  5. good luck on your baby! just talk to him everyday and tell him he needs to come out and see the world already!!!!(^-^)

  6. i also got to try this revlon colorstay...the sand beige which suppposedly is closest to my skin tone, turns dark on me. I just don't know with the buff..i'm really skeptical to buy another one in a lioghter shade, because his foundie kinda feels like...egg white mask on my face. i am dry skinned to normal so this formula is not really good for my skin. but glad it worked on u ;)

  7. Hey girl,
    good luck with labor! (I hope it is quick, and , as painless, as possible.) I'm sure you and your husband will be awesome with your little one. As long as there is love in that household, his life is off to an amazing start. :)
    What I've learned, as that even though we don't have instructions for our new babies, we do have intuition. And you should listen to it. My pediatrician told me that mother's intuition is usually right. So that's one good thing in our favor!
    You'll be an amazing mommy!

  8. leslie, i've got an award for you! ur such a lovely lady! :P

  9. Your nails are way too cute!

  10. I think you did a great job! I'm still practicing my gradient

  11. That's so cute! Love your purple nail polish :) I also have one of those cover girl nailpolish with chunky glitters inside, but for some reason the brush doesn't pick up enough glitters, just the clear polish...a lot of my glittery nail polish tends to do that, so frustrating!
    That's too bad everyday minerals clogged your pores! I haven't used it for a while ever since I discovered BB cream so hopefully when I switch back in the future in attempt to finish my current stash, I won't have any problem w/ it!

  12. I just used 2 coats babe, I always used 2 coats, just do one layer, let it dry, and then the second, so it doesn't streak.

  13. Oh wow!! That is such a pretty purple :)

  14. Leslie, I just gave you an award!!! hu hu hu... and you totally need a chatbox!! so ppl can chat with you haha~ Go here:

  15. Love the Revlon color stay! It seriously is comparable to the MAC'S SFF if not better.

  16. looove the purple nails!! You did a great job with the gradient, the last time I tried to do one I failed miserably even though I followed Nic Nic's tutorial step by step...haha.
