Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Having A Bad Day?

Sometimes, you just have to make time for YOURSELF. Take a break from the world after a shitty day. The best way to stay young is to be cool and free.


Here's what I normally do to de-stressifffyyy myself.



I turn on Bob Marley because his music is CHILL. It's not too upbeat to where my blood pressure races up. His music makes me feel as if i'm in paradise. I love bob marley! (plus i can always sense a smell of coconut when i listen to his music haha)


After I get the music goin', I fill up the tub and use this luxury bubble bath from Bath and Body Works. Sensual Luxury Bath in Black Currant Vanilla. It has a sexy smell to it, not everyone likes the same fragrances, but this one relaxes me. I believe it's $16.50 for the jar but a bit of this goes a ways. You'll prob. get a better deal when they have their sales.

I definitely make sure to give my feet some treatment also! This is the only foot scrub that I have tried and you can find it at wal-mart. I should take better care of my feet but this does a good job and it's cheap.

I put this on after the bath because it relaxes my face. The minty feeling in this cools down my face and I feel as if it is sucking out all of the stress from my face! haha


Then I slip into a very comfy nightie. Or I go naked, since I can anyways :P I get my nighties from everywhere, as long as they are comfy.

If my husband is around, I will usually have him rub this body cream on my feet. It works great! It's not greasy but feels buttery smooth. My favorite scent of this is obviously the mango mandarin.

You can't forget the lip treatment also!
Overall: Give yourself an hour at least. You deserve it! It will preserve your youth and spirit.
what do you do to de-stressifffyyyy yourself?
oh yeah, if you guys have any questions, always feel free to ask me! i'll try my best to answer them and get back to ya. <3 leslie


  1. wow, this is a great entry! I try to watch comedies to relieve myself, doesn't always work though =P I shall try some of your remedies someday :)

  2. hahaa, all that sounds verrrry relaxing :)

    when i feel stressed, i like to go for a swim, or bake something yummy. yesterday, i felt kind of stressed out, so i went and got a pedicure. that helped a little, haha.

  3. haha, I have Raymond massage my feet too! :D Always makes me feel a bit better, even if I'm not stressed out. LOL

  4. MMm... i love taking a bath when im stressed.. especially with some nice lush melts! ahhh soo good~

  5. Bubble bath is always stressfree. i cannot go without tea candles and a cold glass of white zin, just writing about it sounds so good right now =P

  6. wow i felt kinda relaxed just reading this post lol. I normally don't do anything. I try to sleep but i cant coz i think too much when i'm stressed. I try to eat but i cant either. last time i was stressed out, i just blogged lol.

  7. Wow, I like your method of destressing yourself!

    I turn on Latika's Theme from slumdog on my iPhone, blast it up on repeat, and take a nice LUSH bubble bath. Gotta make sure I dont fall asleep!!! After that I'd give myself a nice mask then read a book before going to sleep :)

  8. hee hee, I have the same lip balm =)

    When I want to relax, I just play with my DS and eat a chocolate bar..haha, so unhealthy ^_~

  9. ooo, i definetly need to get my feet done! im sure i have a million layers of dead heel skin, thats affecting my walking/balance, LOL can u recommend any other foot treatments/scrubs?

  10. wow all of that looks so relaxing and prob smells fruity and fantastic! Soon I will move and have my very own bathroom... Then I can do all of that fun stuff

  11. I nap haha. I cant really do anything to de-stress myself since I still live with my parents and they're totally against bubble baths lol.

  12. My goodness I love anything Blackcurrant :D

    TAG you're it :)

  13. ohh great recommendations!
    I have to check out the other parks here! its really nice that they have many beautiful park here in FL they all kinda sucked.. >__<

    hope you are doing ok Hun~ :)

  14. Love your blog, love all your entries. Honestly, i dont know how to distress myself. Too busy chasing after one rugrat and taking care of the other. :) I can't seem to find any ALONE time. Plus with's a lot harder. If i'm lucky i'll get a 30 minute massage from the hubby. But reading your blog REALLy makes me want to have a nice warm bubble bath all to myself! ( i say that b/c usually the hubby likes to join me)

  15. when my period is coming, I have a bad day..

  16. white zinfindel is a type of wine, its sweeter than most wine, if you heard arbor mist, its like that but more to a dry sweet taste.
    you should get a bottle after you give birth hahah

  17. Thank you for the supportive comment! I always get bummed out when someone decides to be a meanie for no reason!

    P.S. I'm liking your night routine, nighty or nakiddd! lol :D

  18. wow u can have ur husband rub ur feet on que? *good catch girl* haha... wow after reading ur blog i feel so relaxed! i wish i could use all those products rite now!
