Monday, June 22, 2009

I Just Had to Post this Up

if you know any crazy gamers, you would understand why i find this so hilarious.


  1. Lol that one is funny, but it looked a little choregraphed?
    have you seen the one where the older brother video cam his younger brother smashing the computer because of ban from Maplestory?

  2. My sister showed me this too. LOL
    My hubbie plays WOW too. (although he swears he's not addicted to it. Yeah right.)

  3. lol! i understand hiw he would feel but i wont act like that lmao

  4. Did he try to stick a remote up the a....? Gosh, I had a WOW account... but I was no way addicted.

  5. o my....this is Hilarious and too much. LMAO. It's just a game, but I guess some gamers would disagree.

  6. LMFAOOOOOOOOOO. I swear WoW is just as bad as crack! Some people go NUTS over that game, its really insane. I've had people start arguments with me because I play FFXI and I dont play WoW (even though I've tried WoW 4 times and hated it).

    This is hilarious and scary at the same time.

    But hahahahahah at his brother saying "shut up" and he really did shut up hahahahahahah!

  7. OMG!is this for real? it was like watching a retarded posessed dinosaur LMAO but my lil brothers are hardcore gamers, and i bet they would act like that, LOL
    im more of a HALO person, i like to shoot ppl (^-^) but i swear im not a violent person...
    and did he stick a remote up his...???? what was that!!???

  8. Hey Leslie! This is Leona, Elaine's sister! I'm glad I found you on here! Hope all is well!

  9. I'm getting married on July 11. I'll sure let Elaine know!

  10. I'm glad to hear you found the cause of the fruit flies... hehe~ :)

    By the way, the picture of you is sexy!

  11. lmao omg that is so funny!! i feel his pain tho, he prolly got reallly far in the game lol

    and girl, as soon as you have that baby go see it! =)

  12. LOL. It's like he's possessed by the WOW demon.

    what i'm wondering is why he tried to stick the remote up his butt ... -___-''

  13. Omg that's crazy! O_O
    I have never ever played WoW in my life, so I wouldn't know how it feels, but I hear it's like SUPER addicting.
    Raymond's cousin went to Hawaii, and he never went to the beach once, and just played WoW at the hotel their entire vacation.
