Wednesday, September 16, 2009

C&C Makeup Dissolving Cleanser!!! + Pictures

***If you wear long wearing foundations, this is a must have!!***
At first I really didn't think this was going to work because it was only $5 at Target and I even got a free sample of their makeup remover. I have to wear non-melting foundations because of the weather here in Florida and because of my oily skin. I was running out of my Philosophy Purity cleanser so I decided to just grab this on a whim since it was again..only $5. Later on at home after a few more hours I tied my hair back and wet my face, gave 3 pumps of this foam into my hands and massaged my face. I looked up and was amazed that my foundation was not on my face anymore! Usually with most cleansers I can clearly still see blotches of my makeup on there. If you use revlon colorstay you know what a bitch it is to get off so you'll love this.
I never do a once step clean though...only because I have to make sure everything is off my face. I use makeup wipes to get off my eyeshadow and witch hazel to tone my skin. No breakouts so far. Doing good and i'm so glad I bought this. Most clean and clear products break me out and do not work on my skin. But this is simply a makeup remover and it does a wonderful job!
and of my baby. He's only 2 1/2 months but he looks big.
I still can't believe I carried him in my stomach for 41 weeks. He was a hard headed baby lol.

on our ikea duvet blanket. (i need a new one!)

no mommy nooo

i LOVE LOVE LOVE him. he's got man boobs haha =)


  1. You and your baby is super cute! And the product sounds really good, I might have to be on the look out for that. By the way, I read your earlier blog post about the maybelline foundation and I just HAD to try it. It is now my HG foundation too! Thanks for the reviews and you look lovely as usual :)

  2. lovely new layout!! =] seems like you gotten thinner!!! You and your baby are cute together! hehe. You're gorgeous like always! hmmmz... maybe I should try Clean & Clean Dissolving cleaner. I hate drug store products (excluding Olay's) because I keep breaking out =T

  3. thx for the review! i've been looking for a makeup cleanser and i just might have to go try this one out. you look gorgeous btw! and your baby is SO cute :D

  4. your son is so chubbie and cute! and i love your new header, sexy!

  5. ohhh goodness. I've been trying to find a cleanser to take all of my makeup off but nothing seems to work. I pretty much gave up since i can not be spending tons of $ on products that i will only end up tossing away after the first use. I've been stuck to using bodywash for now since it seems to work the best. But thanks for the review, i will def look into purchasing it next time.

  6. btw, baby keenan is getting so big now.. waaaay too cute

  7. i have the clean & clear foaming wash too!! sometimes i doubt clean & clear's quality becuz of their prices... but i do admit it removes makeup really well. theres another cleanser i like by them and its minty/tingly on the face.. their products remove makeup. my gf likes to use my clean & clear facial wipes when we travel together becuz it doesnt leave eyeliner gunk like her other wipes.

    i love pix of you n your baby!! you look soo cute with the headband ma!

  8. Great review. I'm definitely going to try this out for myself! I love bargain deals that WORK!

    You're son is sooo adorable. I miss my daughter being that age & i love his round cheeks! It's so funny how all asian babies look related when they're in the first 3 months. LOL!

  9. your baby looks so cute

    and great review of the makeup remover
    i think I'll have to give it try

    I also have my blog
    come check it out

  10. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you and the baby look so cute!!!!!!!! He sure is growing up more and more each day. Aww bless =) And thanks for the review! I'm just wondering if the make up remover takes off waterproof mascara? xoxox

  11. your baby is too cute... i swear where he gets it from. :P

    thanks for reviewing the product with us... might have to give it a try.

  12. I'm so sick of having to go through 5 to 10 different steps before my makeup is fully removed. Your new cleanser sounds like it works wonders. Maybe I'll give it a try =]

  13. wow what a cute little baby ^_^. I love Clean & Clear products too , I love love their toner. Very nice blog, I followed you ^_^

  14. Holy friggin.. your baby is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute. Haha I'm sorry.. it's just omggggg.. he's sooo adorable!!! XD

  15. Thank you dear for the comforting owrds on my lastpost. yeah, i totally binged on dark chocs. yikes! hehehe. but I'm better now, a bit at least. =)

    gee, i also break out from clean and clear products back then so i totally avoided it too. but this one that you got is tempting me. hehehe. however, i also wanna share my HG make up remover. it's simple and natural: extra virgin coconut oil. it works even on the most stubborn mascara. Only that, If you have open pores or oily skin, i don't know if this will work. but since i have dry and non acne prone skin, this works for me. anyhow, i still wanna try your clean and clear prod coz i'm getting bored with EVCO.

    your baby is sooooo cute!!!! man boobs, LOL. he;s so healthy, u must be a good mom! =)

  16. Heya! Thank you so much for commenting back :) and I'm glad you like the music! <3

  17. your baby is super cuteee...^^
    I'm afraid the C&C makeup dissolving cleanser is not available here yet in Indonesia.. T_T
    Great review, though! ^^
    I'm your new follower.. =)

  18. Hey girl,
    15 lbs!! I love chunky monkey babies! lol
    Yeah, at his 4 month check up Cal was 17 lbs, so it should be interesting to see what he weighs at his check up next month.

    He's teething and being a total brat. Just when I thought he finally got to sleeping thru the night, he starts waking up like 2x in the middle of the night. ugh!! I can't win. lol He's learning to crawl now though.

    I love the new banner - really cute.
    Other than that, I'm doing good - trying to look for work....again. lol Wish me luck.

    Hope you and your lil fam are doing good, mama!
