Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maybelline Color Sensational Lipsticks + Others!!!

I dropped by Walgreen's yesterday and picked up a few items besides the gripe water I had to get for my lil munchkin's hiccups. babies..expensive! haha
These are the two I picked up. They are BOGO this week if you haven't picked any up yet! Their foundations are too! If you've bought these already, do you notice a playdough smell to it? I do, a little annoying but the pigmentation is wonderful and also staying power.

Me and my lil munchkin. He's growing up so fast :(

I am wearing Pink Please in these pictures. =)

So as you can see, he loves to stick his tongue out. Why is he wearing a bib? Because the little rat is teething already and he's not even 3 months! He chews on his hands whenever he gets a chance to, drools like crazy so he has to wear bibs so he won't get a rash on his chest, and has been picky with bottles. The great thing for now at least is that he's been sleeping through the night. (thank you Jesus! mommy is finally feeling better!)
As for the weight loss, it's coming along. I feel better each day. My doctor had me take the huge ibuprofen pills and it made me gain back 7-8 pounds. I was pretty pissed when I found out that those pills made me retain water. It took a while for me to get it off too but things are back to normal. The Paragard i had inserted gave me cramps that felt worse than my contractions, at a few points i couldn't walk. BUT they faded away so things aren't so bad, and it's a great form of birth control since I don't have to take any hormonal pills.

Oh yeah, I won Denysia's giveawayyyy!!! I was so excited this morning when I found out. I've never won anything but I can't wait. She's got so many cute things in there.


  1. Woo! You and the little one look great! Awww just wanna pinch his cheekies :D (gently of course!) Ahahah and congrats on the giveaway!!!! You definately diserve =) x

  2. Hey great haul!
    Can you do a review on the teeth whitening gel?

  3. pretty haul!!! I have Pink Please lipstick too! I just recently bought it from Wal-mart. hehe! Your baby is a cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I'm glad you're better now, I would of been piss if I was you... popping those pills and gain back 8 lbs! congrats on the giveaway =]

  4. a lot of ppl are raving about the Maybelline Color Sensational Lipsticks
    i think i'll have to give it a try because they do looks pretty

  5. awww..he's so cute! my little niece went through this phase where she was always sticking her tongue out. Even though her mommie always got made, we always though it was soo cute..haha

  6. you look so beautiful and cute baby! :)

  7. I have Pink Please and Born With It...I was pleasantly surprised because I didn't think I'd end up liking them as much as I do.

    Beautiful pics of you and your son :).

  8. awww love the photos. hes such a chubbycakes! * pinch.

    i wanted to go get myself one of those 5minute whitenings. hehe i saw a review about it on someone's blog. i forgot who, but do a review on it. i'd love to see before and after. because i'm doing this thing with the hub on who has whiter teeths.hehe

  9. awww what a cutie! you look great too :)! I keep seeing pink please everywhere! I'd love to see some more swatches on this! cant decided if I need it lol

  10. Hey girl! wow everyone is talking about these maybelline lipsticks, the Pink Please seems to be very popular! Might stop by to pick some up =)

  11. i've been hearing a great deal on those l/s. i don't think our walgreens here is having a bogo on maybelline products. :( i guess i can just get one for now... but which one. lol

    trust me girl, babies will grow fast. by the time you know it, they'll be crawling...then walking... then talking. my baby turned 1 in july and man, oh man... he's such a copy cat and trouble maker already. i'm not really looking forward to when he can talk... double trouble from both my boys. lol

  12. Adorable pictures! What do you think of the lipsticks and the teeth whitening product so far? I've wanted to try both!

  13. How do you get your eyes to look so dramatic? I can never pull that off! By the way, I'm going to mail out the package tomorrow. I think I'm going to send my boyfriend to the post office tomorrow! :)

  14. and your baby looks so beautiful. =)

    I still plan to buy that Maybelline Pink Please lipstick. So far, I've seen it on a few blogs already. I really like it. =)

  15. You look sooOoo pretty!! Your little one is too cute :)

  16. Oh my goodness, you are one hot momma! The pink lips and outift really suits you.

  17. I was about the get the lipsticks too but the smell turned me off - it was so strong and odd, it might have been playdough.

    Your baby is so cute! Congrats on the win. I'm a new follower =)

  18. Oh emm gee!! I love these pictures!! You're one hot mama & you've got the most adorable baby~ ^__^

  19. I just bought Pink Please cuz I saw it in Holly's video. I absolutely love it! I'm def. gon stock up on them.

  20. hey what do you use to add the lil' details to your pics. So cute, I use
