Saturday, June 13, 2009

Do you have FRUIT FLIES in your house?

I know a lot of people hate fruit flies, who doesn't right?
Our place has fruit flies and it's annoying!
Anyways here is a quick and effective way to kill them.
What you will need:
**Rice wine vinegar
**A small drop of dish soap
**Bowl you don't use often
In the bowl, pour a good amount of any kind of rice wine vinegar, add a small drop of dish soap, and mix in a small amount of water to dissolve the dish soap. Leave the bowl where you see the flies most, and within time you will see a bunch of them in the bowl that drowned themselves in there!
I have tried it and I LOVE counting how many have drowned in there. MUAHAHHA evil i don't care!


InnovativeEssence said...

hahahaha yure so silly,....thanks for the tip.... will remember to do that...

KRYSTAL said...

hahah thanks for the tip!! they are dumb, why do they drown themselves in vingegar!?. hahah i will try this, i have some here too &theyre annoying!!

Lolita Riot said...

omg I do! and I hate em! can i use regular vinegar??

Marie. said...

Those are the small ones right? I had one flying around in my room earlier... ugh I hate flies. Period! I should totally try that trick.

Dana Yoshimizu said...

haha, thanks for the great tip! I just wish that I knew this like a few months ago because back at my dorm room we had SO many of them & they were SUPER annoying!

Edna said...

We are fruit fly free :)

Usually the kitties get them before they get to our fruits and food :)

Tiffany said...

Hahaha, I did this once except the instructions said to put saran wrap over it with holes or w/e.

I only caught one! T_T

I think the holes were too small LOL great tip!

Lolita Riot said...

that pic always creeps me out lol I hate creepy crawlies of any kind! the sweet thing makes sense, I'll see if I have any!

Anonymous said...

wish I knew this like 3 weeks ago, While I was in the hospital I forgot to tell my nanny to throw something out and when I came home from the hospital omg I had freaken fruit flies like crazy grr they are so annoying and nasty! I started lighting up candles thinking that it would help. well it sorta did but not really lol but they are gone now..Now I know what to do for the next time =) Thanks for the info!

Anonymous said...

btw CONGRATS! When are you due? I just had my baby girl about 3 weeks ago. well just wanted to say congrats and good luck hunn! hope you have a safe and fast delivery!<3

Unknown said...

cool, cool. i'll remember this :)

Annie Dong said...

I used to have MAD amounts of fruit flies when I was in college - good thing my roommates were good with bugs! This is a great tip tho! ... do you think it can work for ants? hahha! hmm probably not~ xD I don't want to invite all the ants in the 'hood...

How's the pregnancy by the way? I can't wait to see the baby!!!!! Babies are sooooo cute when they crawl he he~

sokpoprocks said...

LMAO you're so funny. i dont get fruit flies, because i buy frozen fruit in bulk from sams club LMAO
but my mom does, cause she has a buddah alter with always fresh fruit on it, i should tell her how to kill them...

✿Ji✿ said...

I hate fruit flies!!!
It's not warm enough for them here right now, but as soon as they com out I'll try this out!*____*
Thx for sharing!^^

FuriousFeng said...

I actually have little flies around the house right now! I'm gonna try it out, thanks for the tip! ;D

Anonymous said...

WOW that is such a good tip! I will be sure to try it, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I was induce with my second baby and it wasn't to bad, but would have wanted her to come out on her own but I had a pubic bone separation & my doctor let me have her 10 days before my due date. the weird thing was I was suppose to be induce May 19 at 6:00am but she wanted to come out on her own and so she did, I started having contraction at 2:00am in the morning lol!
I didn't have to get induce cause she wanted to make her own grand entrance. I hope everything works out for you! Enjoy your quite nights now and enjoy sleeping threw the night cause once the baby gets here oh my word! the feeding at every 3 hours are so tough lol
can't wait to see his picture! take care hunn!

Ahleessa said...

I come to your blog and the first thing I see is a huge picture of fruit flies. I'm thinking what in the world is this about... hehe~ :) It's kind of weird wanting to kill them though. One of my biology project was taking care of them... hehe~ It was for genetics case.

xoladiihoneyxo said...

hahaha! that is sooo EVIL! but I love it! My mom does something similar but with an empty gallon, she pours water in it and add the old shrimp shells... flies will start coming and drown themselves! Well, we leave the gallon outside of course so there'll be no flies around the stupid neighborhood.